Choosing a Solids Flow Meter - When is testing is needed?
Not all Solids Mass Flow Meters are created equally, so how do you know which meter is best suited to measure your product??? When asking this question, the best answer is, when in doubt, test some product! Most manufacturers of mass flow meters should have a test lab and a list of products that they have tested with their devices, building a database of what works and what does not work. WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN EXPLORING THE TESTING OPTION? REPLICATE THE INSTALLATION - Testing a product sample should also be done in a way that replicates the application or installation location. This means that the equipment being used for testing should be similar to that of what will be used in the field. For example, if the application calls for a flow meter (flowmeter) to be installed under the discharge of a screw conveyor, then the testing lab should have a screw conveyor. Simulation of Screw Conveyor Feeding a CentriFlow Type II Meter Simulation of Belt Fee...