Velocity Averaging Pitot Tubes for Air and Gas Flow Measurement
When it comes to measuring the flow rate of air or gas in a duct, there are many different devices used. For example, there are thermal sensors, hot wire anemometers, rotating vane anemometers, static pressure drop devices (venturi, orifice plate), and differential pressure devices (pitot, annubar, primary element). The most widely used and considered a true measurement of the flow is the differential pressure device. The most widely used differential pressure device is a velocity averaging pitot tube. Velocity Averaging Pitot Tube The velocity averaging pitot tube is a device that when inserted into the air or gas flow stream, provides a high pressure measurement port and a low pressure measurement port. The high pressure port measures the total pressure created when the air or gas stream impacts the port, where the low pressure port typically measure the static pressure in the duct. VAP³ Velocity Averaging Pitot Tube from Eastern Instruments The dif...